from the Latin titans meaning "first sons of the earth"


A titanium star exploding.  Click on  picture to learn more!

Some fun titanium facts:

Titanium was discovered in 1791 by Mr.Gregor, but it was not named until 1795.  It was first isolated by Hunter in 1910, by heating TiCl4 with sodium in a steel bomb at temperatures from 700-800 C.  That's pretty hot!

Titanium is the ninth most abundant metal in the earth's crust.  That's a lot of titanium!

It is only about $6 to buy a pound of titanium. That's less than going to the movies! That's more like popcorn and pop at the movies.  heck, I'd just get some titanium.

atomic number: 22

atomic mass: 47.867 g

common oxidation states: 2,3,4

physical appearance:  a beautiful lustrous white metal

melting point: 1660 degrees C 

boiling point: 3287 degrees C

crystal structure: hexagonal closest packed

density: 4507 kg m3

electronegativity: 1.54 Pauling units

ground state electron configuration: [Ar]3d24s2

Electronic configuration of Ti

source: Titanium exists primarily in the earth's crust, but can also be found in the sun and meteorites. Titanium metal is purified before it is used.  It is removed from TiFeO3 or TiO2 by the Kroll method, which utilizes the following reactions:

2TiFeO3 + 7Cl2 + 6C (900 C) ---> 2TiCl4 + 2FeCl3 + 6CO

TiCl4 + 2Mg (1100 C) ----> 2 MgCl2 + Ti


"Is that an iron club you're using? Ha! loser."

"(AP)Club Tiger

Tiger Woods is a big fan of titanium.  Click on the above link to learn more about Tiger Woods. 

Become a pro golfer! Buy titanium golf clubs


                         properties and uses: Titanium is strong, easily fabricated, resistant to corrosion, and has a very low density.  These properties make its alloys useful in aircrafts and missles because of their lightweight and ability to withstand extreme temperatures.  It is also popular in the bike making industry, and even in jewelry.  It is as strong as steel, but 45% lighter.  It is now used by Tiger Woods in golf clubs.  It is found in house paints, smoke screens, and in water desalination plants. Titanium burns in the air, and is the only element that burns in nitrogen. It's often used in fireworks.  In fact, many fireworks are simply potassium perchlorate (KClO4) mixed with pure titanium metal.  A very simple process, really.  Sounds like a fun lab!

For more information about titanium that you could ever possibly want to know:
