

Basic Information

Atomic Number : 46
Atomic Mass : 106.42 amu
Common Isotopes :
Nuclide Abundance % Mass Halflife Spin
102 Pd 0.96 101.906 // 0
103 pd 0 103 16.99d 5/2
104 Pd 10.96 103.904 // 0
105 Pd 22.23 104.905 // 5/2
106 Pd 27.33 105.904 // 0
107 Pd 0 107 6.5E06y 5/2
108 Pd 26.71 107.904 // 0
109 Pd 0 109 13.5h 5/2
110 Pd 11.81 109.905 // 0


Ground State Electron Configuration : (Kr)4d10
Physical Appearance : Soft, malleable, ductile, silvery white metal
Physical Properties :

Electronic Data

Shells 2, 8, 18, 18
Electronegativity 1.3, 2.2
1 Ionization Potential 8.3369 eV
2. Ionization Potential 19.63 eV
3. Ionization Potential 32.93 eV
Oxidation States 4, 2, 0
Electrical Conductivity 0.0950x10^6

Thermal Data             

Melting Point 1552°C
Boiling Point 2940°C
Specific Heat 0.24J/gK
Heat of Fusion 17.60 kJ/mol
Heat of Vaporization 357.0 kJ/mol
Thermal Conductivity 0.718 W/cmK

Steric Data

Atomic Radius 1.79 Å
Ionic Radius 0.64 ()
Covalent Radius 1.28 Å
Atomic Volume 8.9 cm^3/mol
Density (293 K) 12.02g/cm^3
Crystal Structure cubic-face centered


Source : Found in nature with platinum metals amongst nickel ores that are mined near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
Price : $135.95-$178.15/troy oz
Uses : 

-incorporated into alloys used in low voltage electrical contacts

-used extensively in jewelry making of white gold

14kt white gold rope chains



-may be alloyed with platinum or substituted for it

-used in the production of watch bearings, balance wheels, mirrors in scientific instruments

-used in dentistry


-catalyst in sulfuric acid manufacture and hydrogenation processes

-used in electroplating


Background Information

Name Origin : Palladium was named after the asteroid Pallus which was discovered in 1803
Discoverer : William Wollaston
Year Discovered : 1803
Place Discovered : England

Characteristics :

strongly resistant to corrosion in air and by acids (except nitric acids) at ordinary temperature
forms many compounds (with oxides, chlorides, fluorides, sulfides, phosphides, and some complex salts)
enormous ability to absorb hydrogen


Atomic Structure :


[Bohr Model of Palladium]



Here are some stress relievers for all of you chemistry people out there...

Chemistry Puns :

  1. This is one for all you feminists out there...(Fe)male...male with iron added, for greater strength, ductility, and magnetisim.
  2. What did the MS say to the GC? MS - mass spectrophotemeter GC - gas chromoatograph Breaking up is hard to do.
  3. Q: if both a bear in Yosemite and one in Alaska fall into the water which one disolves faster? A: The one in Alaska because it is Polar.
  4. Oxidants happen.
  5. Q: What weapon can you make from the Chemicals Potassium, Nickel and Iron?         A: KNiFe.
  6. (my personal favorite) A small piece of sodium which lived in a test tube fell in love with the Bunsen Burner : " Oh Bunsen, my flame.  I melt whenever I see you....", the sodium pined.  "It's just a phase you're going through",replied the Bunsen burner.

Wanna see more fun stuff?  eh eh? (=