The most powerful magnet in the world is one at the Lawrence Laboratory in Berkeley, California, made up of niobium and tin.

Dipole magnet

click here to find out more about the most powerful magnet


Some Facts:

Niobium is a shiny, white transition metal found in the fifth period of the periodic table.  It was discovered in England in 1801 by Charles Hatchet.  The name niobium comes from the Greek word "Niobe" meaning "daughter of Tantalus." 




A Memory Peg:

41. Unbearable Onion (Niobium Nb). "For one" person only. Sounds like Niobium and like "4,1". In Greek mythology, Niobe wept for the loss of her children, like an onion makes you weep.                                                                                                            


Physical Properties

atomic number 41
atomic mass 92.9064
density 8.57 g/cm3
melting point 2468°C
boiling point 4927°C
electron configuration [Kr]5s14d4
electronegativity 1.23
oxidation states 5,3
stable isotopes 93Nb



Crystal Structure: cubic body centered

Crystal structure of niobium



Occurrence and Extraction:

Niobium occurs primarily in two minerals, columbite and pyrochlore.  A second element, tantalum, is always present in these minerals along with niobium.  Separating the two elements form each other is very difficult.  The abundance of niobium in the Earth's crust is estimated to be about 20 ppm.


Price per : $400/kg



Shell Structure:

[Bohr Model of Niobium]




Niobium Fancy Ribbon Style Hair Wraps
AB Drop Earth Butterfly Dolphin Heart Note

 click here for more information about niobium jewelry

